Full-Service Industrial Road Dust Control

Do you struggle with dust, erosion, and stabilisation problems on your industrial roads? Our team is here to help. We offer a full-service approach to industrial road dust control, designed to address the unique challenges faced by the mining and construction industries.

With the support of our experienced team, you can trust that we will provide effective solutions to your road dust problems. Our solutions are designed to improve air quality, reduce maintenance costs, and enhance road safety for workers and vehicles.

Our comprehensive approach includes a thorough site assessment, customised treatment plans, expert application, and ongoing maintenance services to ensure long-lasting results. From chemical treatments to specialised equipment, we use the latest technologies and products to provide complete road dust control solutions.

Don’t let road dust continue to negatively impact your operations. Talk to us today to learn more about our full-service industrial road dust control solutions and how we can help improve your haul roads, tailing dams, and other problem areas. Our team is ready to answer your questions and provide you with a quote.

Request a call and one of our experienced team members will contact you to discuss your dust management requirements.

Ideal To Control Dust Generated By:

  • Coal Loading Terminals
  • Demolition Sites
  • Excavations
  • Dirt Roads
  • Gravel Roads
  • Haul Roads
  • Quarries
  • Rail Wagons
  • Stockpiles
  • Tailing Dam Walls

Agricultural Road Dust Control

Traffic on a farm normally includes a mix of light and heavy vehicles, each generating dust as the vehicles move around the property on unpaved roads. The dust blown from these roads negatively influences the health of vegetation, agricultural workers, and ultimately the farm’s profits.

If dust control is a problem on your farm and you currently spray water on your dirt roads more than once a day, we can provide you with a cost-effective, eco-friendly, and much longer lasting solution.

While drastically decreasing your dust problems, our solution allows you to save on fuel and water costs by reducing the number of times roads need to be sprayed.

Our tailored dust suppression solutions include:

  • Site Assessment: A thorough evaluation of the road and surrounding area to determine the specific causes of dust and erosion.
  • Dust Sampling: Collection of dust samples to measure the levels of respirable, inhalable, and total dust, compiled into a detailed report.
  • Treatment Plan: Development of a customised treatment plan to address the specific dust control needs of each site.
  • Equipment Usage: We use specialised equipment, such as water trucks and dust palliatives, to suppress dust and improve road stability.
  • Chemical Application: Application of our eco-friendly chemical dust control solutions, Roadtech, to reduce dust and improve air quality.
  • Road Improvement: Improve the crust, stability, core strength, and surface texture of dirt and gravel roads.
  • Monitoring and Maintenance: Ongoing monitoring and maintenance of the road to ensure the effectiveness of our dust control solutions and to prevent the recurrence of dust problems.
  • Record Keeping: Recording of dust levels and treatment results to measure the effectiveness of the dust control solution over time.

Request a call and one of our experienced team members will contact you to discuss your dust management requirements.